Our Writers

At Buyessays.net, we employ a team of enthusiastic and knowledgeable writers. Their job takes a lot of responsibility, but they enjoy what they do.

From A to Z

Our writers come from various professional backgrounds. There are teachers, economists, journalists, mathematicians, ecologists, and more. Some of our writers have competence in several areas, while others are determined to master new skills. All of this lets us cover all popular topics and subjects.

Hiring New Employees

As any other employer, we are interested in hiring the right people. That is why we have certain procedures to find out whether a person who applied for a job is the one we’re looking for.

Namely, we let our applicants to pass several tests to check their command of English as well as knowledge of academic writing features and formatting styles. The final stage of the hiring process is completing a test order which imitates the way a writer has to work in real conditions. We also pay attention to interpersonal skills.

Quality Control and Motivation

Every text written by our writers is checked by our mentors and editors, who make sure papers meet all the requirements set by a client. Moreover, our quality control specialists regularly evaluate work done by our writers by checking three random pages written during the last two weeks.

We encourage all of our writers to keep on learning new things and inform them about the aspects of writing they should improve on.

Statistics of Our Disciplines

Our custom writing service shows you the real statistics of how much our customers are satisfied with what they have received:


Average customer's rating: out of 10

Based on total of customer surveys